Of Mice And Seeds


Swiss Chard. Round 1: Mice.




Lucullus, Perpetual, Poiree a Carde Blanche de Lyon, Fordhook, Carde Blanche! AARRRRGGH!!!

6 thoughts on “Of Mice And Seeds”

  • Please scream. You’ve earned it. As Dixie used to say, “I hate meeses to pieces!” (You have to be old to know that line, alas.)

  • Is that vermiculite you’ve got spread on top of the seed cells? To prevent damping off?

    It had not occurred to me to start Swiss chard indoors. My plan was to continue harvesting from last year’s–which is beginning to show new growth–and plant seeds directly in the garden. Does that make sense?

  • Ed, it’s granite dust (aka chicken starter grit that I buy by the 50-lb bag), it’s to keep moisture in and to prevent damping off – although I have never really had a problem with damping off since I provide good ventilation (a little tiny fan blowing for a couple of hours over the flat works fine in the house). I also like it to mark what I plant – and I like to look of my flats topped with the granite dust which also is a good source of potash.

    Last year, I did what you did withe Swiss Chard, continued to harvest from the prior year plantings until they want to bloom (and tried to slow that down by breaking off the flower stems) and direct seeded the new crop. But we’ve had such a hard winter here this year that my unprotected Swiss Chard looks thoroughly dead. Even if it’s not, I don’t expect much picking. So I am trying to see if I can have an earlier harvest by starting seeds inside. That’s the goal. We’ll see…

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