Growing Ginger In Virginia
Nothing could be simpler than growing ginger in Virginia.
It’s almost true.
Ginger is reasonably ornamental – a reed-like plant with clear green leaves. While it can be grown in the vegetable or herb garden, it is not out of place with ornamental plants – provided you can dig them out easily enough — without damaging bulbs or perennials. Don’t plant them with daffodils!
So yes, it is tropical – but that not necessarily a reason not to grow it. We grow many other plants from the tropics and treat them like annuals. You can do the same with ginger.
I have grown it for years in my garden – small yield but it was mine! Ginger requires a long frost-free growing season — about one year for mature ginger, 8 months for baby ginger. That’s more than our climate allows… except that you can start ginger indoors. farmers do it in high tunnels (aka hoophouses). I start it my greenhouse, but a very sunny window or sun room will work. With a warm early start in late winter, appropriate temperatures at all times, abundant water, and judicious shade, you can grow ginger to a harvestable size.
I just started mine (a trifle late, I know – a month ago would have been better). I buy large plump healthy firm roots from the store. I avoid ginger from China, and scoop up Hawaiian or Jamaican ginger if I do see it – I love their fiber-free roots and their bright sharp flavor. This time, I was able to buy some from Mexico and some from Thailand. The clerk remarked that was a lot of ginger (over 3 pounds at one location, 2 pounds at the other). “A lot” is relative though, isn’t it?
I filled a perforated tray with a damp and very light potting medium (a mix of peat moss, perlite and a little compost — well moistened), set the tray in another solid one. I broke the large rhizomes into smaller pieces, each a few inched long, and arranged them, not touching, on the potting medium. I added more on top of the root to barely cover them – and water well with a fine rose. Then the trays are set on a heating pad in the cool greenhouse and covered with a clear plastic cover. Ginger likes it warm and moist. Now I wait!
In a few weeks, green shoots emerge and white roots form off the rhizomes. Wait till the weather is really warm (for us that’s mid-May) and set out in a light rich humusy soil. The rhizomes should be covered with 1 or 2 inches of soil — like dahlias. Water often while it grows. Afternoon shade is OK.
Now you wait. Until late September/early October. Then you dig with a fork, carefully, or – better – with your hands, harvesting what you need for a meal. Or just pull the clump if you have the ideal soil. The whole thing comes out. Cut off the stems – a little is OK (see the last pix) and trim off the white roots.
Really fresh baby ginger is a treat. It is also not inexpensive if you have to buy it — upward of $15/lb ($1/oz). So growing it yourself could make you feel rich and smug. I am just warning you… Anyway, if you have it, use it liberally and lovingly. Baby ginger has a more delicate flavor than mature ginger, yet bright and sharp; it is much juicer and never stringy. When just harvested it has no skin: use it before the outer layer of the rhizome hardens and starts to dry out. That is after all why we grow it… the bottom parts of teh shoots are also very tender and great sliced in stir-fry.
Baby ginger is wonderful pickled, juiced or infused … or just cooked. Dig the entire clumps before frost, and preserve the extra rhizome by pickling (in vinegar or vodka) or freezing them. You can freeze whole and just grate stiill frozen as needed later – or you can turn it into a paste and freeze small clumps in a mini-muffin pan or ice-cube trays. I prefer the later method. Once the ginger cubes are frozen solid, put them in a freezer bag. Use as needed – no need to thaw.
If you like ginger, you should try to grow some… but hurry and start now and be patient. And don’t let it dry out…
…or you could just buy it at a Farmers’ market near you. Thanks to Virginia Department of Agriculture, farmers have received grants to grow high-value ginger crop. In my area, farms such as Farm at Sunnyside in Washington and Potomac Vegetable Farms in Purcellville. Both sell at several markets in the Washington DC area as well as though their CSA program.
I bought pounds at the Arlington Farmers’ Market last fall, and it made the best pickled ginger and crystallized ginger (with syrup left over!). I have tried growing it in a pot once, but that experiment did not go so well. This inspires me to try again.
You have inspired me as well! So it’s the heat mat that gets them going- prior attempts of mine when I just planted them in flats have led to rotted rhizomes. Great post, Sylvie, thank you!
Deirdre – ginger really likes heat. Sometimes pieces left on the counter will sprout for me (I never keep ginger in the fridge), but that’s iffy. Also you must have plump healthy roots. I suspect store-bought ones may be treated so as to not germinate. The 2 farms in the articles start their earlier, in March, and in good years that’s what I do do… but this year it’s early April.
Val – I have tried ginger in pots too. They don’t like it. It might do again if the pot was really large, in half shade and received consistent and abundant moisture. I have experimented in overwintering a few rhizomes in containers last fall (inside). To my surprise, even the ones kept warm in the house, lost their tops. But the rhizomes are still firm… so we’ll see if they send new shoots.
I bought a beautiful, big, ginger root at a vegetable market (I live in Miami) and put it in a pot with good soil behind a window with plenty of light. Every time I need ginger, for cooking or juicing I cut a piece. It has been 4 months now, it has now 3 plants and is reproducing! And the best part is: I always have fresh ginger!
My ginger plant has grown to almost 4 feet, is it OK to dig up ans use.? In fact it has the most beautiful little white flowers that smell so beautiful. Is this the eating ginger?
Helen – It’s hard to tell without any additional information especially as plants that are not really ginger are called “ginger (asarum for example). It might be ornamental ginger which I do not believe is edible. It might be true ginger depending on where you live. But in Virginia, true ginger in unlikely to bloom. I suggest you consult a good guidebook or look-it up the internet
what stores in virginia did you find all these varieties of ginger?!?!
South-asian or Chinese markets often have a nice selection. Or Wegman’s or Whole Foods. Or other specialty shops (Like Food of all Nations in Charloteesville). Even Food Lion, Martin’s or Safeway in some locales will have interesting offerings if the demographics of the surrounding areas are there. Keep your eyes open, Mary!
Can I dig up my garden ginger and pot for the winter?
You don’t say where you are located, Lisa: it could make a huge difference. The answer is a qualified yes but indoor ginger needs specific warmth, humidity and light conditions to thrive – something few on us can provide, even indoors, in temperature climates. Do some research first. Or just try it anyway and let us now how it works
Lovely blog! I am growing Ginger for the first time too, here in Central Virginia, Mechanicsville.