Spring Salads
A wonderful spring for salad!
Tom Thumb Lettuce, Red Sail Lettuce, Red and Green Oak Leaf lettuce, Lamb’s Quarter, Johnny-jump-ups and other violas, lemon balm, monarda leaves, anise hyssop leaves, arugula flowers, mustard flowers, chive blossoms, Bachelor’s Button petals, dill, purple basil, thyme blossoms, cilantro blossoms, dried cherry tomatoes (from last year’s harvest – marinated in olive oil)… and the ones that make the plate “pop”: Shirley poppy petals.
I miss my arugula and mustard greens!
mmm… Well, Ed, with your new cooler climate you ought to be able to grow arugula all summer long now!
What a gorgeous salad, Sylvie. I did not know that Shirley poppy flowers are edible- what a splash of color they give all your other exquisite ingredients!