Tag: strawberries

Fresh Strawberry and Ginger Rhubarb Tart

Fresh Strawberry and Ginger Rhubarb Tart

I don’t do pies. I just don’t. Maybe you have to grow up with pies and learn to make them with your mother or your grandmother… Tarts, however, that’s another story. Maybe because they are easier to make than pies? I mean, you certainly can 

Strawberry Liqueur

Strawberry Liqueur

Time to make more strawberry liqueur! The 2009 batch is almost all gone – the liqueur gets a little darker as it ages.but retained its fragrance. It’s a nice drink to sip by the wood stove in winter or – slightly chilled – on the 

Honey Rhubarb Frozen Yogurt


Since our most recent honey harvest yielded close to 15 quarts, I am experimenting with honey as a sweetener. We are so used to the taste of sugar that we don’t really taste it any more, we only taste the sweetness. Honey on the other hand has a depth of flavor that some palates find too potent. But pair it with a complementary yet assertive enough flavor, and you’ve got a winner. And in the spring we’ve got… rhubarb, beautiful, tart, versatile, perennial rhubarb!!!

I used not to care for rhubarb, having been subjected to too many over-sweet strawberry rhubarb pies with less than stellar crusts. So it took me quite a while to embrace its sourness, so welcomed after winter. In comparison with fresh tamarind, a fruit of my childhood, rhubarb’s sour bite is actually quite gentle. No wonder I don’t want its tartness to be disguised by too much sugar. Continue reading Honey Rhubarb Frozen Yogurt