Peppers Before Tomatoes


That’s really not the way it’s supposed to work, but that’s how it’s working this year.

Despite having started my tomato plants early in February, I did not plant most of them them until fairly late, and since they don’t hold as well in pots as peppers do, the peppers are harvestable – not yet the tomatoes. Yep, here it is, not quite July 1, and I am harvesting peppers. On the picture: Sweet Banana (which I love) , Jimmy Nardello – new to me this year, supposedly great for frying and drying – and probably (because I forgot to look at the tag and I am too lazy to go check it now) Acongagua.

The tomatoes? Well they are ripening, and I should be able to pick a few before July 4 (maybe!), but it’s nothing like last year, when I was harvesting cherry tomatoes from June 14 on, and big fat ones by late June. OK, I did pick 5 ripe cherry tomatoes (ah!) so far, and one green fat one to make a green tomato salsa. But it’s nothing like last year… Of course, i have also heard from others who were the recipients of some of my plants, that THEY are harvesting RIPE tomatoes. Sigh…

What else in late? Squash, winter squash and cucumbers. But that was on purpose. Last year squash bugs, cucumber beetles and stink bugs were just awful. So I decided to plant all those squashes late, with the hope that the first generation of bugs that emerge would find nothing to eat and nothing to host their eggs. While I have seen – and squashed – some bugs, at least for now, it’s nothing like last year (this is good)! So, unlike Ed of The Slow Cook who is making true pickles with his cucumbers at the moment, pickles are at least 3 to 4 weeks away for me (although I can see the first flowers on my young vines).

Okra? Beans? Corn? late too, but like tomatoes, that was due to short of time in May and June (as well as old seeds for beans that germinated very poorly. Lesson learned, I hope….). All should do OK provided we don’t get cold too early in the fall.

On the other hand, I am harvesting kohlrabi, cabbage and still lettuce, and enough basil to already make pesto.

So goes life!

7 thoughts on “Peppers Before Tomatoes”

  • Wow, peppers already. Haven’t seen the first sign of them. Nor eggplants. But we have lots of tomatoes, still green. Some gorgeous purple kohlrabi soon ripe. Squashes were set back by rot. I’ve started some more. The plants get so big, they start to take over the garden and we still haven’t harvested a single squash.

  • Let us know how you like the JImmy Nardellos. I’ve been passing them up in favor of other heirlooms, but I’d like to know what you think of them when they come in. Maybe next year…

  • I love the Jimmy Nardellos. I wait until they’re red though: I think they taste a lot better!

    We’re late too. I did have to laugh when Ed posted his first cucumbers a week or so ago: ours were in the first-leaf phase at the time! Our tardiness has been due to a wet and cold spring. Ah well, that’s just gardening for you!

    Oh, and I succession-plant my summer squash, because we get those squash bugs wicked bad. I will be starting another batch of zucchini in about 2 weeks. Once the first batch gets infested, I pull it up.

  • Wow, peppers! Everything is just limping along up here. It’s a great year for slugs, but not for gardens.

  • My eyeballs popped when I saw the title, because it’s the same for me here! No eggplants from seed this year, they just didn’t go anywhere. The basil on the other hand, is on steroids.

  • Wow, our peppers are limping along as well. We have had a cool summer and the eggplants are even more unhappy. Tomatoes are going crazy though I’m happy to report! I picked a whole wheelbarrow load of squash today…no kidding.

  • Ed – as you know, something is great every year in the garden, and something is bad! Peppers are good this year – at least so far!

    Karen – will let you know my verdict on the Jimmy Nardellos.

    El – I knew they would likely be better red, but I had to pick something, what with the dearth of squashes and the maddening green tomatoes…

    June – I bet the slugs bet to differ on the goodness of the garden….

    Vanille – no I could not bear to do that… would feel like graffiti…

    Rowena – isn’t that funny. The tomatoes ARE coming though…

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