Postcard From The Meadow
Yes, this is a food related post. Look closer… can you find the honey bee? her butt sticking out from one of the snowdrops? “her” indeed… they are all “she”, you know.
ah… honey: the food of the gods! bee barf!
On warm sunny days, they fly out of the hive where the cold weather has kept them cooped to stretch their wings, clean the hive (yes, they do! really!) and see if they is any foraging to do. Pickings are slim, but there are some: crocuses, snowdrops, Johnny-jump-ups, early willows and anything flowering in the greenhouse. Whatever it is, some of them are coming back to the hive with sacs of dark pollen, and you know, they only collect pollen from one species at a time…
There must be something else blooming in the woods.
Alors finalement le printemps pointe son nez !
Jolie photo de perce-neige
bee barf. oh, how i chuckle. great picture of a gorgeous plant!