Fresh Strawberry and Ginger Rhubarb Tart

Fresh Strawberry and Ginger Rhubarb Tart

I don’t do pies. I just don’t. Maybe you have to grow up with pies and learn to make them with your mother or your grandmother… Tarts, however, that’s another story. Maybe because they are easier to make than pies? I mean, you certainly can 

Strawberry Liqueur

Strawberry Liqueur

Time to make more strawberry liqueur! The 2009 batch is almost all gone – the liqueur gets a little darker as it ages.but retained its fragrance. It’s a nice drink to sip by the wood stove in winter or – slightly chilled – on the 

Crepes from the Piedmont

On February 2, in Punxsutawney, PA, Phil the Groundhog is most unwillingly thrust into forecasting the next 6 weeks’ weather (most unwillingly indeed as he is – apparently – wrong 61% of the time). But you know, no matter what poor Phil does or does 

Winter Preserve

Just because it’s winter does not mean you can’t make jam from local fresh fruit. Guess what kind of jam I am making? Apricot you say? They are a chancy crop around here and I never get enough to freeze for later to make jam 

Ode to the Autumn Olive

I have know for a while that autumn olives (Elaeagnus umbellata) were edible. I just never took the time to go after them. But this year seems to be the year when I started to forage more consistently (bird cherries, wineberries, elderberries, chestnuts, Japanese quince, 

Blueberry Season

Yesterday I knew summer was here. How did I know it? No, not because the temperature was – again! – over 90 (over 32 C) in the shade; 116 (47 C!!!) in the sun insisted the thermometer (wish I misread that). Not because the creek 

Sour Cherry Ice-Cream Without An Ice-Cream Maker

I do not recommend trying to make ice-cream at a 4-H Camp without an ice-cream maker, without electricity, in 90 ° F weather (32 C) and in 20 minutes. It just  The kids were good sports about tossing or shaking leaky bags full of 

What To Do With Quinces

Isn’t that what you are asking yourself? You are not? sigh… you know, quince is not a very popular fruit nowadays. And really it is a shame, because nothing else has it piquant aromatic floral taste… pineapple, jasmine, guava and sweet vanilla, with a hint 

Rappahannock Summer Solstice Farm Dinner

I treasure local seasonal produce, local farms, local farmers, local chefs and dinner parties that get us around the table for food, friends, conversation and laughter. You know that. So it should come as no surprise to anybody that I am helping to put together 

Petits Pots Of Yogurt And Strawberry Compote

Yogurt is for dessert too. After a 15+ year hiatus, I am again making yogurt. Easy, tasty, low-tech. Did I say easy? Since I much prefer eating yogurt to drinking milk, I have been making at least two quarts of yogurt a week. Love it!